Sunday, 2 March 2014

Week 8 reflection

Finally the end of week 8.
Since we started the course, I have been thinking how to do with week 8 as I knew I would be traveling to UK and having lot of work there. I thought I will miss it but at least I could save some of it.

The first thing we discovered are some resources for teachers and some interesting sites to design activities and exams for students. Among the sites that I highly recommend: SMILE and ANVILL

The task of the week was to create or design a teacher resource ( activity, test or class) using the techniques we have discovered during the web-skills course. Personally, I started working on  a padlet and nicenet class for the participants of my project and a blog for students of first year. I am also waiting to finish my thesis and start seriously building a professional website to help upload all resources I have to my students and colleagues.

For the draft of the project I did it during a journey between Cardiff and London, so I was really tired and exhausted. But, I have succeeded somehow to fulfill it but still waiting to correct students essays and make my post test to be able to compare scores using SPSS to know how much the experiment was effective or not.

I am so sad that we have not had much time to discuss and learn from each other. This week for example, I was on travel, correcting exam papers, preparing new lectures for second semester..... A lot to do and a tired OUARDA. Another task is waiting for me is reading Jorge's report, I hope I can finish it by tomorrow.

I am looking forward to having some time to go back to the wiki and nicenet to read all my classmates posts and works. I hope we will have access after the course period. I don't know the norms but I hope we can.  


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hello, Ouarda! You do sound very busy indeed! But please don't worry, everything we've written to far is staying as evidence for a while now, I guess, so you'll have the time,eventually, to catch up with the reading... I do understand the worry about handing everything on time. I'm reading Jurga's project, so I hope to have the time this week, tomorrow at the latest, to read everything and send sensible feedback.

    I think we've been able to share as much as we can, and the fact that every week brings something new perhaps is preventing us from exchanging more points of view, but as long as we post something to Nicenet and these marvelous blogs, I think we're doing our best to let the other know our opinion and share ours. At least that's what I hope every week, come Thursday, hehehehe.



  3. Dear Lupita,
    I appreciate your encouraging words and I visit your blog every week to get some motivation there. I hope we may have more chances to share or to meet. Maybe we can work on a project online together after I finish my writing my PHD if you are interested.

